Where the Sky was Once Blue Part II – 18+

I was trying to wake up, but I kept dreaming of green fields in the sunlight below mountains, of rivers overflowing feeding oak trees and the willows. Cold air in the autumn. Mari was there dancing in the field, and Fernando was planting pine tree seedlings.

A few minutes later brushing my teeth brought me to my senses, while Mari was singing in Spanish, in the shower. Once she was done, she snuck up behind me, barely covered in a towel… as I watched her hands in the mirror reach for my belly. “I know a reason you and I are together”, she whispered.

“Don’t do it!” I said loudly. Too late. “It’s because we both have bellies!!” And she shook my tummy, laughing her head off, running away. I rinsed quickly, about to chase her, but when I looked up she was sitting on the edge of the bed, towel discarded, her jet black hair still dripping wet and falling over her shoulders, as she questioned me with her smile.


We never did make it down for breakfast. But by lunch time I had placed some grilled cheese sandwiches in a pan. I was slow cooking them so the cheese would melt. Fernando was at the table reading a book on sweetgrass, so I asked him if he wanted a grilled cheese. “No I’m making burgers in the basement.” “The basement?” I wondered if Mari knew.

Mari came down adding an explanation. “Fernando has his own kitchen downstairs…. actually two, one for food and one for plant science.” She added, “his burgers are plant based…” Eyeing my work she said, “Oh yum! Grilled cheese with cheddar. I’ll make the salad! By the way we have 4 levels of basement” “What??”

When we sat down to eat, “Mari said, “Hold out your arm honey”. I did but wondering why. She quickly held out hers. “Look”, she said “We are both brown…so that’s the real reason I think Emma placed us together. She knew I couldn’t tolerate a white man’s—” “Ok, ok I get it!” I cut her off. “I get that… but listen, white people are not our enemy”.

Mari looked shocked. I continued by reaching over, touching her with one finger where I thought her heart was. “The problem is in here, not their skin color.” She said nothing but seemed to let something go. Then she said smiling, “I knew you were good for me… in more ways than one….” I felt her foot on my leg.

Mari’s phone began buzzing. She took it out, stood up immediately yelling, “Fernando!! Start the healing bath…. Make it on the 3rd floor and hurry! Emma’s hurt!!

She yelled at me to get the emergency blanket, as I looked out the window, I saw Emma flying in. All I could say was, “Oh no!!”

When we opened the front door, Emma was on fire.

“Oh dear God.”

“Her wings!”

Writing and Image © Copyright 2022 rivers renewed

Next Saturday: Does Emma survive her injuries? And what is the name of the main character/narrator? And do the dreams mean anything?

Still Filled with the Wind

That injured wing, still filled with the wind and lifted her,

even with pain and dried blood she was carried

soaring into the clouds, aiming for the sun

not exactly refreshed but it was working

both wings were part of her now

looking down, she refused

any sense

of despair.

Poetry and Image Copyright © 2022 rivers renewed

Blogging Update: December

As autumn fades we are hopeful. The holidays are around the corner and decorations in and on our houses are beginning to appear. We hope the winter will be beautiful, and that the coming year will be a better one.

I hope you have enjoyed a few new photographs on my site. My favorites are on “Autumn by the Lake” and “In Our Moonlight”. I continue to work on making room here and deleting old work.

Several of you unfortunately did not receive replies from me regarding your messages. Yes, the infamous WordPress Spam Monster has struck again. This applies to not only newer readers but readers that have been here for years, making comments! What?? Give me a few days and I will reply.

If you have noticed your readership being down don’t worry about it! Continue doing what you do, with being a good neighbor and visiting other sites. Your posts are excellent!

Social media is not the future, it is now. So what if readers are on Instagram and Tweeter instead of WordPress? In fact, you can use social media to enhance your blogging here. Go for it!

I’m not sure yet how much I will be here for the holidays, but I will be here. I have a ton of cool books to read! My genre? Fantasy/Sci-fi/Paranormal. Ever heard of The Rook?

Thank you so much for reading!


Writing and Image Copyright © 2021 rivers renewed

Courageous Light

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

Edith Wharton

Who do you know that needs some encouragement today? You can be the light or reflect it!

I’m sure there’s someone that needs your kind words, your peace, your light. Be courageous today and spread some of your light.

Wishing you peace.

Writing and Image Copyright © 2021 rivers renewed