Our Own Wings Living in Our Hearts


As our spring brings new life, and the poetry we so desperately needed

rises as a Phoenix, the words will surprise us, taking us,

farther than we ever could have imagined,

up and beyond, straight into the heart of God even. 

But only if we have eyes to see

our own wings


in our hearts.


Poetry and Image © Copyright 2017, ancient skies



It’s the hope that keeps us going

as the warmth increases

and the frozen is defeated,

we know all over again

the reason for the beauty

that we are part

of the bigger picture

and there is always life

after the winter.

And then…

we can press on.


Poetry and Image © Copyright 2016, ancient skies

Peace and blessings to everyone.

“When we love people, we give them hope.”

The Birth of the Sun

Oceans 813

When your light exploded,

within my heart,

the sun was born,

life began,

I knew I was free,

chains melting,

loneliness conquered,

no questions,

only answers,

I did exist,

and a sunrise was reaching me,


a river of light,


never ceasing,

filling me with hope,

all beginning with the birth,

of the sun.

It was you,

and the power,

of your love.


Poetry and Image © Copyright 2015, nicodemasplusthree

Peace and blessings to everyone.

“If you love nature, you will love people.”

The Last People on Earth XXIV – A Time to Rest

Canada and More 264

Cathy and Cory didn’t bother with eating, until after the baby was born. They both watched from the doorway of Jennifer’s room, and saw Jacob (from the side) make his grand entrance. It was the most beautiful event Cathy had ever seen, besides Cory being born. Everyone was in tears.

She took Cory and backed away, having long since put the gun back in her purse. They retreated to the kitchen where they found some fresh fruit, and cheese in the fridge. There were also some left over blueberry pancakes. A little butter, and maple syrup, topped off their feast.

When Jeremiah did pass through, Cathy stood up and tried to apologize, but he was still too busy, and put up his hand to say he couldn’t talk. She was still kicking herself, and was wondering how she could fix this. She needed to stay here, for her sake and for Cory’s. Emotionally she was near a collapse, and all she wanted, was to retreat to a bed.

It was Miriam that first made the move. She came into the kitchen to introduce herself, and Cathy simply couldn’t believe how tall she was! After talking just a few minutes, and exchanging names, and handshakes, Miriam said, “Cathy you do not look well…..” “Would you like to lie down?” Cathy jumped, at the chance, “Yes, that would be wonderful, I’m exhausted”.

The house had five bedrooms, two downstairs and three upstairs. Downstairs, there was Jennifer’s room, and a room they used for storage. So Miriam took Cathy and Cory upstairs, to a beautiful spare bedroom, that had a desk and chair, near a window. “The sheets are clean.”, Miriam said. Cathy asked Miriam quietly, “Can I hand you this, (it was her purse) I don’t want anything to do with guns anymore.” Miriam understood and shook her head yes. Cathy didn’t wait to change her clothes, she plopped across the top of the bed, and was out like a light. Cory said, “Mommy’s plain worn out!”

Later that night, the house was quiet, except for Miriam and Jeremiah talking in whispers, in their favorite place, bed. They loved to stare at each other, lying on their sides, face to face. Miriam was thinking about kissing his freckles again, when Jeremiah said, “It’s getting kind of crowded, in the house now Miriam”. He was saying it with a smile. Miriam, smiled and shook her head yes, as she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

He continued with, “And you know, it will be difficult……..well you know…….to make……..to make a lot of noise……” Miriam covered her mouth, holding back a laugh, and said, “Shhhh!” When she knew she would not burst out laughing, she managed to say, “I’ll meet you in the lab building……upstairs tomorrow…..shhhh!.” He was laughing now, and he knew there were some really nice, comfy chairs in the room. He started grinning from ear to ear. “Cool!” was all he could say.

At about 4:00 am, Miriam woke up, hearing the baby crying downstairs. She tiptoed down in her slippers and pajamas, to help Jennifer. After Jennifer fed the baby, Miriam put another log on the fire, pulled a rocking chair close to the warmth, and began rocking Jacob, back and forth. Jennifer was grateful, and fell back, sound asleep. Miriam thought about her own baby girl, growing inside of her, and began singing a beautiful lullaby to the both of them……….in Amharic.

To be continued.


Writing and Image © Copyright 2015, nicodemasplusthree

Peace and blessings to everyone.

“If you love nature, you will love people.”