Happy Thanksgiving 2021

This is such a beautiful time of year, of pumpkins and apples and cinnamon spice. Along with the restful peace within nature. Of healing and renewal.

It is my favorite time of year, and Thanksgiving is extra special. We can thank God and be with our families, at least we hope to. This is more beauty that builds good things within us.

Let us remember that the holidays can be a tough time for some of us. We’ve lost loved ones, or we are facing a serious illness ourselves. So many things have happened. Let us think about all those we know needing our support, as we sit down at our tables.

Peace and wonderful blessings to each of you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Writing and Image Copyright © 2021 rivers renewed

The Survivors V – We Belong

A fishing line, complete with hook and bobber flew into the air, landing finally into the water with a plop. Then Grey threw his into the air, with his good arm but his line didn’t go nearly as far. He was still nursing wounds from being attacked by wolves.

They had followed the creek which flowed into the river. The river water always seeming to hold a deeper yet softer song.

“I can’t believe you thought of fishing poles and a tackle box! Is there anything you don’t have stored in the lodge?” Grey was a lot freer with conversing ever since their talk yesterday about sex. Brie explained, “It all came from my Grandfather’s place….wait….I got another one!” she started reeling it in like a pro.

That made 3 for her, to his 1. All of them trout. After she dehooked the fish and dropped it in their bucket, Grey asked, “Do we really have 2 years’ worth of food stored?” Brie nodded, “Almost, thanks again to my Grandfather. His cabin is about 20 miles north of here….in bear country.” “I got one!” It was Grey’s turn now.

After they had enough fish, they sat and talked for a while. Baby Bluejay was awake but still quiet, tucked in her harness. When Grey asked about her tribe, Brie hesitated and looked sad. “There aren’t any tribes….not anymore.” He hadn’t thought of that.

“There’s something much more important than our bloodlines though”, Brie said with a serious look. “I’m a Lodge Maker. I learned it from the Mandan. And you? When were you going to tell me, you were a Bow Maker?”

To be honest, he had forgotten to tell her, but how did she know? Brie continued, “Do you realize how important all this is? We are starting over you and I, and we belong here! A Lodge Maker and a Bow Maker brought together, that’s not just a coincidence.”

Grey was thoughtful and nodded silently. He sighed and when he breathed out he added, “We have to get rid of the guns anyway…. they’re not safe around the children….”

Brie just looked at him…. with a sly smile.

Writing and Image Copyright © 2021 rivers renewed

Thank you so much for reading!

Hearts of Gold

Since the dawn of our existence and even before,

Mothers have been pouring into us,

from their hearts of gold,

from their very essence,


shaping who we become

creating the person

God always intended

us to be.

It takes great courage and resilience to be a Mother. We should thank our Mothers for their continued bravery of loving no matter what. Let us remember too the women of all types that are hurting right now.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Poetry, Writing and Image Copyright © 2021 rivers renewed

In the Depths of My Heart

My friends if you were to look into the depths of my heart you would find my faith in God (which has been renewed lately), a deep and amazing love for my wife, love for the rest of my family, and the heart of a writer. I do love to write, and in some ways it’s who I am.

Yet it seems to me that blogging is less popular than it was. I’m going by current trends on my site and some others as well. Photography blogs still tend to do amazingly well, yet many bloggers are loaded to the gills with social media. There are so many platforms now, it’s simply amazing!

And yet I’m not on any of them. There’s nothing wrong with social media, and that’s not my point anyway. It’s just that people are a lot busier than they were say, 3 years ago, or even last year. Some of my readers are part time, which is much different than when I started.

And now we are all streaming videos a whole lot more! What’s you’re favorite show? I lean towards science fiction. Anyway, now we are yet pulled in that direction too, with less time for blogging.

I really appreciate each of you!

I’m going to ignore trends for days of the week, and simply post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and maybe a quick photo on Sunday. That’s plenty for me. The heck with stats. My posts will be a little different too, with more fiction mixed in,

Remember my post the “Interpretation“? I loved writing that!

Thank you so much for reading!

Writing and Image Copyright © 2021 rivers renewed

The Christmas Ghost – A Gift for Mama

……Rosa began to see a faint outline where she thought a person sat down, almost like a grey mist. It took shape! The being, whoever it was, turned to look at her. The shape took the form of a woman. Rosa could make out the woman’s hair, which she recognize immediately – and then she saw the woman’s face!

The image said, “Rosa…”, Rosa was shaking now, and said “Mama?” Rosa instinctively reached out for her but, her mother told her no, “Only my spirit is here Rosa”. “Mama I’m so sorry for all the things I said that night!” “I know sweetheart…I did not die because of you though….I needed to tell you that.” “That’s one of the reasons I’m here. I love you more than I know how to say!”

They talked for awhile and Rosa’s mother mostly spoke about forgiveness. Streams of tears flowed from Rosa’s eyes but mostly they were tears of joy. And then her mother changed the topic, mentioning church.

“I only wanted you to experience the peace, joy and hope of this season sweetheart…..” Rosa suddenly had the idea of what she could give her mother for Christmas…..”Mama, thank you and I know what gift to give to both of us!…..I will go church tonight, this very night……it’s Christmas Eve after all!”

It wasn’t long after that, Rosa saw her mother fade away, but she had the biggest smile on her face as she faded. And her last words to Rosa this time were, “and remember to forgive yourself sweetheart….”.

Rosa sat for quite awhile alone, letting everything her Mama said, sink in. So everything did end well.

Rosa wanted to tell you that she did go to church that night, wearing her only dress, and her large overcoat, both she had bought from Goodwill. And no one there called her a whore.

In fact they were quite friendly, especially during the time of offering her the peace. As she continued going there, they also helped to get a better job. The last I heard she was working in the admissions department of the local community college.

She also wishes you peace.

Writing and Image Copyright © 2020 rivers renewed

The Christmas Ghost

Rosa heard music again, a choir singing “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”, in the distance. As she sat on the edge of her bed, tears flowing, she looked over at her mother’s picture on her nightstand. She could still hear the words, the arguing, from the last night Rosa saw her alive.

“Mama they will call me a whore!”. She knew it wasn’t true, but she was willing to say anything that night to get her off the track of Rosa going to church. “Rosa, please…it’s Christmas Eve after all.”

It was the night her mother passed away. And the guilt Rosa felt about everything, was crashing in on her now, including the wild parties, and drinking until she was senseless.

Grabbing her head, and laying on the bed, the pain was getting worse. And why were the women at her job so mean to her today? She could not help it that she didn’t know English very well. They were vicious, and all for working at a fast-food restaurant!

She shouted, “I hate Christmas!” into the ceiling, then sat up and went for the pill bottle in her nightstand. She stopped, there was that music again….. “Where was it coming from……?”

She also had a feeling, an unusual sense, that someone else was there in the room now…..but strangely, she wasn’t afraid. And then oddly someone sat on her bed…..or at least it seemed that way, but she didn’t see anyone…..

To be continued….

Writing and Image Copyright © revised 2020 rivers renewed

Note this is fiction.

A Day in the Life


Well, it’s just about time for a turkey sandwich, with mayo and a slice of American cheese, on whole wheat.

(Yes, I know American is not good for me!) Sometimes I use a mild Cheddar or even Colby, but straight Colby

not Colby Jack. I wish I could say I put lettuce and tomatoes on it, but to be honest, that rarely happens.

For breakfast I start with English Breakfast Tea, and a small amount of very, very dark chocolate. High octane dark

is very high in nutrients and low in sugar. Then for the meal it’s egg whites with cheese! I also place a lot of pepper,

oregano and other spices in them. I didn’t really receive any inspiration for a poem today,

I think it’s because I was still wrapped up in the Piers Morgan interview on the news channel.

I do recommend it. He basically said the President needs to stop politicizing and electioneering the pandemic.

This is not about the election! This is about saving lives, and taking care of the American people. The focus is too much on him! Ok enough said.

Now back to my turkey sandwich. Don’t tell my wife, but I’m also having some Utz brand potato chips. Love em!

Later, it’s time to excercise.

I wish you peace and good health.


Writing and Image © Copyright 2020, ancient skies

My Sunday Afternoon


People don’t read the paper on Sunday anymore, do they? We I guess if it’s online. Today I’m taking it easy. After church, and lunch with the family, I’m spending some time reading.

Currently I’m reading Jan Karon’s book, Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good. I’ve had this book on my shelf for years and even started it once, but it’s been like rediscovering buried treasure! I think I’ve now read the whole Mitford series. I can’t wait to see what else I have on my shelf!

I’m also writing today. When I go back and read what I wrote months ago, I can’t believe how many changes are needed!

Tonight there’ll be some buttered popcorn, and a movie with my sweetheart. I’ve found the best movies are usually watched at home.

Before then, it’s always good to have a nap! Isn’t that what Sundays are made for?

I don’t have Facebook or Twitter so thanks for listening to me ramble.

So how are you spending your day?


Writing and Image © Copyright 2019, ancient skies

On This Christmas in Texas


On this Christmas somewhere in Texas, another small child

is locked away

crying, wailing,


if she will ever see her Mommy again.

Is this America?

She wonders

and begins to cry again

into the empty air.


Note: This was very much on my heart. May we always remember the poor and those unable to protect themselves.


Poetry and Image © Copyright 2018, ancient skies